
Hiya! How are you doing? 


Oh no!!!! I sure hope you’re feeling better. That must have been an ordeal. Poor you. Well work is whooping my you know what. Editing is on hold but I have a month off in November. Fingers crossed—I will finish the final round of editing the feral mate trilogy by then.  Book 3 is the one that needs the most work. My ability to overwrite and use filler words baffles even me. And I get mad at myself. Don’t even get me started … I could rant for hours  glad you love the match. I did good coz that’s what I was after. You’re in for a treat is all I can promise. :p take care of yourself my friend XO


Hellooo! The last few days have been a rollercoaster of doctor appointments because I managed to get myself a pneumonia (Yes you read it right… pneumonia) and it kind of clashed with migraine and lets just leave it at “ I was totaly out of commission and the phone screen wasn’t helping so thats Why I’ve been kinda MIA”  What about you? Do you already see a finish line to your previous work Or are you still editing/writing?  I’ve just read the last chapter of Drachs and Asenas date and I am too stupid not to love this match! 