
I don't want to lie , but I will be trying to update between Saturday & Sunday.  I just started working & had accidentally deleted Microsoft so I had to find a substitute.  Sorryyyyyyy


I apologize for the wait, I honestly have no excuse as to why I waited a whole month. A bit rushed, but I honestly tried. Chapter four will be up within a week or less. Enjoy, btw Jaimie Alexander is plays Sif in Thor, I think she'd be a perf Wonder Woman. Okai, I have to get some sleep, early morning tomorrow !


To anyone curious as to why I chose to write a WonderWoman fanfic, she's my favorite superhero to play with on MK vs DC Universe, and Injustice. Also, they won't freaking make a movie on her, so tired of seeing movies based on male heroes.


@Roman_Holiday You have officially convinced me your awesome for such a great compliment, even if I don't deserve it (I am totally taking it and running though -- lol!). ;c) 
          Thank you again -- I am thrilled to hear you're enjoying it! Makes my night. Hope you're having an awesome weekend! Take care, wen