"I swear on the angel. The hell with that. I swear on us." 
"Why on us?"
"Because there isn't anything I believe in more." Jace Herondale, City of Bones (C. Clare)

"I don't want you to be... Wounded, I mean. By anybody, especially not by me." Sally Green

ProudPotterHead :D
Shadowhunter forever :3 :)
Shawn Mendes ♡

Prepáčte mi gramatické chyby :/

Rada čítam knihy (najlepšie cez hodinu slovenčiny pod lavicou) :D :D :D - odporúčam Half Bad (koniec bol šok!), The Mortal Instruments, Hobit, Trón zo skla, Upírska Akadémia, Narnia a mnohé ďalšie :P :D :) ...

Tancujem :3
Štandard :)
Latina :3

Raz napíšem knihu :D :) :3
Som tak trochu večný optimista :D :D :D
Blbé komentáre si odpustite, ďakujem :)
  • New York Institute
  • JoinedJanuary 12, 2016