
          	Free online book editor:


Greetings! How are you? I wanted to ask if you were interested in religion/history related books. If so, i can advice you the book i shared on the link. Its about the life of Prophet Muhammad. The last Prophet of God who brought us the last holy book 'Quran', a book gifted by our God to us as a divine guide, with the promise from Allah that it will never be altered, not even a single word of it. I will be very happy if you give it a chance and have a look at it. Or if you like i also have a book about life of  Prophet Jesus aswell, if you prefer Christian books. 
          If you do not like religion related books, i also have a fun-filled, teen book blending humor and fantasy. And it is already completed so you will not have to wait for new chapters to come up. If you read it, hope you like it. You can find that one in my profile page. Have a nice day!


Random Question!
          Are you allowed to have published books of yours on wattpad? Is that allowed? Do you need to remove it once you decide to publish?


            I want to make a name for myself in this world. I want to see the smile on people’s face when they read my writing. 


@Romizabooks A couple ways to look at it.  One is that a book is a product, like a painting or a sculpture.  If you're making it to sell, then you sell it and go on to the next.
            Another is that it's an investment.  Not only do you make sure that part of whatever deal you make involves royalties that go to you, you are in addition getting your work out there and getting recognition as an author.  More recognition means publishers are more interested, and readers want more of what they know.
            Yet another is that your book is a child, and you have to decide how to let it find its way in the world.
            What do you want to get out of publishing?


            Not everyone can afford to buy books. I want to publish a novel one day. But does having a book on this platform decrease your chances of getting your book published traditionally? Self-publishing is daunting. Giving my rights away is a nightmare. I spent months or even years working on a novel to end up giving my rights away. What happens when you give your rights away? 


Question Time!
          ▫️How would you spent your time if you had an extra 100 years to live?
          ▫️What would you do if you were immortal?


            Tuck Everlasting, I remember watching the movie on tv. 
            We have Twilight, where the main character (Bella) chose to be immortal.


@Romizabooks maybe, I honestly have no idea.


@Romizabooks Have to agree with wdhenning's response. I don't want to live forever. Read that in a story once ... more like the character who won't die or the cat who literally has 9 lives! There's a book called Tuck Everlasting... to sum it up ... a farm family- the Tucks discover a fountain of youth,  a magical river that keeps them alive forever. One of the Tuck boys befriended a girl named Winnie. She becomes curious about the family secret, but in the end refuses to drink from the river. Don't remember how it ended in the story, but when it was made into a movie, a young Tuck man visited the grave of Winnie and cried over it. Hence, you wanna wonder why he was crying.  Did he wish his friend drink the water so she could live forever? Did he regret his immortal life, where he never grew up and stayed 20 eternally?
            To me, if you live past 100 and beyond, you'll exactly be a skeleton as your bones will turn frail. Do you want that? I'd rather rest in peace.
            Immortal life isn't for me.


Random Thought!
          I want to go back to my childhood. No responsibility, carefree, living a privileged life and not thinking about tomorrow. 


@Romizabooks Hi! I was timid when I was young and had no "voice" literally after my operations ... had speech theraphists help me learn how to talk again and some foreigners wonder why I can't speak any foreign language fluently. PSH! That's why I joke "my tongure is dilapidated so I can't speak correctly. LOL No really , I had English speech theraphists and thats the only language I fluently learned to speak again. Although I know Tagalog as my parents speak at home, Spanish is not far behind and picked up some French words as I dated a guy who spoke it. 
            But that's great you had  great childhood! I lived in a military neighborhood (mostly Navy) when I was young. I had many friends who were the children of active duty Sailors and Pilots ... but then their dads got deployed and they had to move. Then I got hospitalized, and my brother was diagnosed to have Autism causing my parents to panick. And that's the story of my young life. *smiles*
            Fast forward to where I am now. life is okay. My brother is now a Mail Carrier (Mail man but he used to work in Radio before he was laid off ... I urged him to work for the Postal Office cause if the Radio, TV business falters, work is hard to find. At least the Postal Office , is gonna be a stable job. So we are doing well! *Smiles*


            I had a wonderful childhood. I wouldn’t want to go back to the time I broke my arm (I was 2 or 3), but other than that I don’t remember anything bad about my childhood. 12 year old me was living a good life. I want to go back to that time.


@Romizabooks That's nice, but for me, I wouldn't.  After the age of 6, that's when my childhood twirled around. I was forced to live 
             like an adult after my surgeries. Had to endure bullies and such. That's why in my late 20's and 30's, I acted more childlike than an a adult for what I missed.


Question Time!
          Are you taking part in ONC next month?


@Romizabooks I'm hoping too, hopefully I won't get distracted. 


@Romizabooks I see ONC everywhere. What is it about?