
It has been so long since I've found a story so we'll written I couldn't stop reading. I am quite literally heart broken I won't know the end of the story. You've made me laugh, cry, love and most importantly, long to know their ending. Thank you for this Rollercoaster. It's been a truly wonderful ride and I will be here in case you ever find your spark again.


@roanders Oh wow, I really, really appreciate that. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I still kind of cringe at my old stuff to be honest, but I'm glad it's still bringing people joy to read. I'm still not sure if I will ever finish the story between these two, but they've definitely been on my mind lately. I'll have to reread my original just to refresh myself because there was so much.
            Thank you again for the kind comment though. It really did bring a smile to my face today. :)


I've noticed the webtoon comic behind your profile picture! I was wandering what the name of it is? 


@KaraYagi My friend Avis, or Schl4fmuetze makes a comic of her character and Bishop called LAVENDER on webtoons. She's done a few fun little spinoff comics for me. Sorry I took so long to reply to this, I just noticed it today.


Hey I just wanted to say great work on the Skyrim romance story! I think it’s a really great book and continue the great work!❤️❤️❤️


Oh hell yes I will! 


@That_Stacy_Girl Thank you so much for the kind words! I’m still hard at work on this story. Got 4 planned books in the works for it. So we have a waaays to go! Hope you’ll stick with me to the end. :)