
Just a reassurance that this acc is still active and currently back in my DS9 Phase (so Garak x Bashir story may be getting updated soon)


Hello there, 
          I know I only update once in a while... In RL I'm training to be a filmmaker and currently doing an internship in Postproduction. Is anybody still interested in the Fanfics I post? Are there any shipping wishes?
          Hope you are all doing well <3
          Roni Drakaina


Learning to draw on ipad now. I used to draw a lot on paper, for many years, but learning it digitally is a new and exciting process as it offers options never available in the traditional art process. Hoping to create some beautiful illustrations for my stories!


Check out my new article titled "Writer's Vocabulary - MC" in it I explain the role of the Main Character and analyze various incarnations of it in modern series.

          Hopefuly it can become a series where I explain various terms used in Storytelling. Like a little lexicon. I also plan on doinga articles about movies, series, shipped couples and even reviews of episodes and a little dive into various story tropes!
          I am currently working on an article about sidekicks, the chemistry of Sam Carter and Jack O'Neill from Stargate SG-1, a Trope I call "trapped together" and "the Tragedy of the Marvel Loki"...
          -Roni Drakaina