Hi!! :)
Guess what? Chapter 8 of Ascention- my Shadowhunters story is out. Go read and hope you enjoy.
I'm going to focus now on Break Through- a lot of you have been asking for updates and I feel bad for neglacting it for so long. I hope to have something for you guys soon- no promises. I started a new job last month and I barely have time for myself- only weekends and my motivation to write is barely there because of exhaustion.
I also have a lot of other fanfics in early development stages- so I was mostly focusing on them this last 2 months.
Anyway, to my readers who enjoy Ascension I hope you like the new chapter, the next one is going to be mostly my own creation and not the episode. MOSTLY!
So you have something to look forward to.
Once again I'm waiting for comments or private masseges if you have any, as always I accept and interested in hearing every opinion you have- in the end it's criticism and it helps improve oneself as a writer.
Until next time, from Roni.