Author of The Broken Plain series
(Edits will be made and all mistakes will be corrected in the book soon, but released Chapters will stay published.)
CEO of ACFK The Label
Take a peak into the world inside of my mind.
Chapters will be released once a month between the 12th - 24th.
Chapter 3: To Save A Frontier Spirit will be release in September. So stay tuned in for what's about to happen next.
  • RegistriertSeptember 4, 2019

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Letzte Nachricht
RoninPharaoh RoninPharaoh Aug 13, 2023 05:36AM
Chapter 2: Conflicts & Battles has been republished. If you like fantasy, games and/or anime, give this a read. You might like it.
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Geschichte von RoninPharaoh
The Broken Plain: Ascension von RoninPharaoh
The Broken Plain: Ascension
The story takes place in a parallel universe where Earth is known as Arkane, & Demons, Angels, Witches, etc...