Heyy there! I'm just starting to advertise my story as I really need all the feedback I can get! So I know you probably get a lot of people asking you to read their stories but I'm going to leave a quote out of my story and if you like what you see just pop round and give my story a little read! If you don't thats fine :D See y'all laters :)
"Suddenly, he felt something on his shoulder... like someone was placing their hand on his shoulder for support... He looked around and no one was there, yet the feeling on his shoulder still remained. "Don't worry dad, I'll be okay. When I'm older I'll just be like you! Strong and heroic, maybe one day I will become a doctor too! And I'll have lots of friends and I'll be invited to birthday parties and it'll all be fine! So don't worry, I'll be fine..." Alfie sighed as he talked to his reflection trying to smile as he spoke." Chapter One : Lone Wolf Alfie