Okay so, for those who haven't read my latest book, Autumn Leaves, I wrote the book because of a recent loss of somebody in my life. The point of Autumn Leaves is basically another way for me to raise awareness of suicide prevention. If any of you have lost anyone to suicide, I get it. So thats why I'm writing this message along with Autumn Leaves.
Now, another way I am trying to raise awareness is by providing my readers and followers (you people :) ) with a link to a charity that raises money for suicide prevention. Year after year suicide claims more lives than war, murder, and natural disasters and yet it gets nowhere near the amount of funding that is needed. And as a person who knows what severe anxiety and depression is like, I would really love to see some change. I hope you can agree with me and join me in helping raise awareness and donate to this incredible charity. Any charity for suicide prevention for that matter.
It doesn't have to be a lot of money, I've seen someone donate only $5, but Every.Single.Penny.Counts. Please join me in this journey to see change by donating and taking a little bit of time out of your day to read the link to fully understand the struggles.
Lastly, Please keep your eyes up. Meaning that you should notice your surroundings and the people around you. Make sure your friends, Co-workers, family members, anybody around you, is actually and truly "Okay".
And for those who are thinking about suicide, you are incredibly loved, even if you don't think so. And please don't hesitate sending me a message if you need someone to talk to you. if you don't feel comfortable talking to me or someone you know, here are some suicide hotlines around the world.
Full list of hotlines for all countries:
Out of the Darkness (open for all donations)