
Hi everyone. I have a question for you. 
          	Should I rewrite and work on my story her king? I wrote it years ago as a young teenagers. And now I'm older and my writing has improved a lot since then. 
          	Let me know your thoughts!!


Hi everyone. I have a question for you. 
          Should I rewrite and work on my story her king? I wrote it years ago as a young teenagers. And now I'm older and my writing has improved a lot since then. 
          Let me know your thoughts!!


It is weekend!!! What are your plans for this weekend?? Mine are to work all day. Enjoy the hot weather, write and listen to some good music.
          "Books are like their own universe. "
          Till next time


Hello crazy people, 
          I want to wish Everyone before hand a good Pentacost. (If I spelled that right) In the Netherlands we have first Day and second Day of pentacost. Why i dont know. 
          But means i have more free time. Okkeeyyy. I do work the whole saterday.but I Will spend this weekend more on writing. 
          What Will you do this weekend?
          I hope to Hear from you. 
          P.s. have u start reading her king?


Hey you there,
          New chapter of HER KING is uploaded!!
          I wont spoiler whats in it. But know. Nothing is as it seems. 
          Have some thought about that. 
          Also i wish Everyone a great weekend. Here its Nice weather with the sun, a little breeze and birds chirping. 
          Till next time. 
          Ik heb net " the unknown " van mijn verhaal " Her king ". gepubliceerd.


Here is a quote for today;
           "All the world's a stage,
          And all the men and women merely players:
          They have their exits and their entrances;
          And one man in his time plays many parts."
          —Jaques in As You Like It
          Just something to think about.