My friendo @ashes2cashes just put out the first chapter of a new book he has been working on! I helped like a tiny bit sorta kinda so go check it out it is wonderful!
My friendo @ashes2cashes just put out the first chapter of a new book he has been working on! I helped like a tiny bit sorta kinda so go check it out it is wonderful!
I made a schedule awhile ago and I haven’t stuck to it for one week, and honestly I probably won’t for a bit. I’m on some medication that makes me really dizzy and writing keeps giving me headaches. I’ll update when I can. Sorry!
I think I am going to die tonight cause a corner of my room is haunted so if I do, I'm sorry I never finished the Paranormal AU. I honestly probably pissed off some ancient demon writing it and it has come for revenge. Goodbye world.