
Anyone see the Grammys last night? 


this message may be offensive
DaNnIe PuT tHE gUn DoWn! 
          RoRy pUt YoU’Re pAnTs On!
          AlEx cAlM tHe FuCk dOwN 
          NeSsA pUT yOuR gOdZiLla briDe dResS oN 
          HUnTeR pUT THe MufFin doWn 
          ...Now We Are All Here In Matram- bitches how long is this?! I don’t have all day I came for the food!” Everyone turns to glare at Dannie. 
          @damnthatsass ^grabs gun and points to Dannie^ “ThiS iS a sPecIal mOmeNt foR mE! Don’t ruin it!”


How I pictured the wedding, a beautiful chaotic disaster! Beautiful ^people wiping tears^ 


Anyone see the Grammys last night?