
Hello everyone! I'm just popping in to offer an explanation for my silence these last few weeks. I found out not long ago that I'm pregnant! Which of course has lead to a rather inescapable level of fatigue and exhaustion. I've struggled to get anything written, any time I try to sit down and focus my mind just sort of stops functioning and I end up falling asleep at my laptop. I am terribly sorry for this slow down! I really want to get my projects finished or at least flowing. This isn't me declaring a hiatus, but I am sure I'll be much slower on writing content for a while. At least until my energy picks back up. I am very lucky to have all of you who stay and support me and my work and I am thankful to you. Please be patient with me and know that I will get back in the saddle soon enough so to speak.


Hello everyone! I'm just popping in to offer an explanation for my silence these last few weeks. I found out not long ago that I'm pregnant! Which of course has lead to a rather inescapable level of fatigue and exhaustion. I've struggled to get anything written, any time I try to sit down and focus my mind just sort of stops functioning and I end up falling asleep at my laptop. I am terribly sorry for this slow down! I really want to get my projects finished or at least flowing. This isn't me declaring a hiatus, but I am sure I'll be much slower on writing content for a while. At least until my energy picks back up. I am very lucky to have all of you who stay and support me and my work and I am thankful to you. Please be patient with me and know that I will get back in the saddle soon enough so to speak.


Hello everyone! I have a question to ask you all now that Rise is in it's official completed form. I have a few chapters of the second book written up, though no official title page yet. Would you want me to start posting on the second book or would you prefer I finish some of my other works first such as SDA? Which would you prefer, or do you have a preference?


I have now started rewriting SDA! For any of you who read it before would you please take a look at the newly rewritten first chapter? To be honest this is a completely different animal compared to my first few attempts. But the characters will be much the same so don't worry, Sable is still a commanding badass wolf woman who kicks ass and forgets names!


Hello everybody! How are you all doing with the quarantine and whatnot? Me? I'm doing what I can to stay busy-ish and out of depression! Probably similar to you all. I'm lucky to have a house to stay in and internet to use so I can post my work here. As some of you may or may not have realized I took down a good portion of Rise, and this is because I'm completely rewriting a chunk of it. I've completely rewritten chapter 17 so far and so it's actually brand new compared to the previous version. For those of you that have read the book before I'd greatly urge you to take a look at this rewrite and let me know how I've done. I'm trying to tie in the same base story concepts while reworking the plot if that makes sense. It's a different animal now, and it will be very different from the first (technically third) draft. So if you wouldn't mind I would be super stoked if you took a look and followed along until I can tie it back in to the unchanged chapters! Besides that if you want to talk while we're all confined to our houses I'm totally free for the most part. Lets get through this together as artists and creators. Lets use this time to see to it our dreams are fulfilled, what better time to write than now?


I am now editing Rise of Fire! I'll be posting on each chapter the number of edits it's undergone. So far only the first chapter has been edited but I am working hard to pick my way through and work on at least sentence structure and plot! There will likely be some changes as I continue so if you want feel free to follow through as I go and see how I change it up. If I do end up changing the plot significantly in a chapter I'll take down the chapters following it so that any new readers coming along won't get too confused. Anyway that was just my announcement for those of you who care!


I've posted a new story!! Yes, yes. I am insane. I am crazy! And it might be a futile effort at dealing with writers block. So if you would please give the first chapter a read and let me know what you think I would greatly appreciate it. Also I am in need of title ideas for it! I know it's a bit early now to decide anything interesting but if you have ideas feel free to share. Anyway, thanks again and I'll see you either in Rise of Fire or my new little project.