Should I even bother? I'm sure most of you already read my story called "how I came to be" and it was kind of a train wreak, especially towards the end of the story. I was planning on making a part two, but should I even bother doing that? I'm sure aliens getting dissected wouldn't make for a exciting storyline. So, I was thinking about scrapping that and starting all over again, with an actual good storyline. What do you guys think I should do? Let me know down below.

@RosalinaRosettaWolf I don't know, its up to you to create a story if you want it to be different. Maybe Earth is engaging in diplomacy.

@TravisChessie1990 Okay what else can I do that doesn't involve taking over planet earth, and still have the ending make sense to where the governments go to Vabania to do something to the Vabanians