
Marry Christmas Everyone


They say when life gets you down look on the brighter side of thing well for me there isn't there always something bring me down and make feel more (excuseing my language) shity and really don't know what to do anymore I feel lost and I really just can't take it anymore. The sad part about it I was fine yesterday and now life is turning horrible and I just can't handle 


OMG OMG SAN JAPAN CONVENTION IS IN TWO DAYS AND IM NERVKUS AS HELL I VOLUNTEERED AGAIN AND IT IN A NEW PART OF THE CONVERSATION CENTER which by the I have to learn the new layout T^T why me ....... But hey at least it fun and running around meeting new artist and the guest is fun to but I'll be tired to go to a rave or panel due to working for 12 hours to keep my crash space (sigh) the struggles oh well it will still be fun