
Chapter 4 of The Hero's son is almost finished. It will be a shorter chapter but there will be some new characters introduced. And just maybe we will find out what happened to Izuku 


To those who are waiting on chapter 3 of The Hero's son 
          It is currently being rewritten and I should be finished and post the chapter sometime next week when I have more time to work on it. Things in my life are very crazy, so updates will take me time to complete. Thank you for your patience and I promise I will have the next chapter out soon as I can
          Thank you for all the reads. It means so much to me. Thank you awesome people!!!!!!!!!!


Hello, sorry I havent updated lately. I have a lot going on and I barely have time to write anything. 
          To those who are reading The Hero's son:
                     Chapter three is currently still being written. I am aiming to have it done tonight or tomorrow. Once it is finished, I will post chapter three. Here is a little hint on what is gonna happen next: ACCIDENTS HAPPEN. Comment your idea of what you think is gonna happen! I will reply as soon as I can. The Hero's son will be about 27 or more chapters. I currently just have 27 planned out and I may add more later.
          Other works: 
               All other works are currently on hold. Checkmate is going under some editing and more chapters added before I post any new ones.  And I'm also working on the book that comes after it. It will be a 2 or 3 book series. I havent decided yet. 
          Please be patient with me as I will update when I get the chance. Thank you!!!! 


Thank you so much for the follow! I can't even begin to say how much I appreciate it and I will be following you as well :)


@deathpunch13 Thank you so much :)


Hello everyone. It's been a while since I said or posted anything so here is a little update!
          1. Things are going better in my life. I got promoted at my job so I work a lot more hours. My mental health is slowly getting better 
          2. My work updates 
                - CHECKMATE will be updated as soon as I have the time. I'm planning on updating at least 2 chapters, maybe 3 new chapters. I have to see what I got already written and do some editing before I post any more chapters to Checkmate. 
                    -Meet the author may have some new updates. I haven't decided yet.
                   - I may start working on a new book. I don't want to give anything away about it yet until it actually started up. 
                   - ANY UPDATES WILL HAPPEN AS SOON AS I CAN POSSIBLY GET THEM DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I write all my stories on my computer and then I have to retype them on my phone to update each story. So updating any chapters takes time for me to do. Then I must go through and do the final edits before I publish it. Please be patient. 
          Any questions, please ask. I will do my best to answer you. 
          Thank you!!! 


Do you ever get so bad that your afraid your gonna go back to your old ways? (I'm talking about mental health rn) I'm afraid that I'm going to break a promise I made to myself 8 years ago.  It seems that every day is just getting worse and worse. I feel like I'm falling down a black hole with no end in sight and no way to get up. For years I've struggled with depression and anxiety but these past few weeks, it just seems to be getting worse. And yet no one in my family notices it. Not even my boyfriend can see that I'm breaking...


So there won't be any updates coming anytime soon. I don't have any time to sit down write and edit. 
          My life is extremely busy rn and I have too much going on. I barely have time to myself anymore. 
          And I'm having a mental breakdown rn so, I hate to ask and bug ppl, but if you could send positive things and messages my way. You don't have to if you don't want to. I don't want to burden anyone. 
          Thank you and have a nice day or night wherever you are at