
Hey, sorry to unpublish my book. Maybe someday I will put it back up but right now I can't write a book about a strong female character when I can't base it off someone. I was basing the character off the person I wish I was but, unfortunately my mental state ever since I entered college has been deteriorating. I am tempted to keep a like informal journal on here and just write how I feel or some of the poetry I wrote. I don't really know yet because I know the poetry is not that good so lol Love yall


Hey, sorry to unpublish my book. Maybe someday I will put it back up but right now I can't write a book about a strong female character when I can't base it off someone. I was basing the character off the person I wish I was but, unfortunately my mental state ever since I entered college has been deteriorating. I am tempted to keep a like informal journal on here and just write how I feel or some of the poetry I wrote. I don't really know yet because I know the poetry is not that good so lol Love yall


Now that I finished high school and I am in my first semester of college... should I write about my high school experience? All the ups and downs, the heartbreaks, the parties, the tears, the emotional rollercoaster, and first love? I mean I would make it more interesting but idk yet! Let me know what you think!!