
Hey everyone, 
          	So I'm starting a new book, Strangers. It'd be rad if you could check it out.
          	Thank you so much!!!
          	Love lots
          	Rose Girl


@RoseGirl234 I'm not gonna miss it.


So I graduated last week (happy dance since now I don't have to deal with my school guidance counselor who always messed up my transcripts)
          But anyway- gonna try to update Everything She Is more often.
          Can some of you help give me ideas though? I'm kinda having really bad writers block at the moment and can't figure where to go. So any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
          Love lots,


          Thank you so much for one following my crazy self, and two, for just being you- YOU ARE AMAZING, DONT LET ANYONE TELL YOU DIFFERENTLY.
          I was hoping everyone could check out my new book Everything She Is. I am really in to the plot I have going, and I hope you will be too.
          Thank you and love lots


Drum Roll Please....
          I am writing again, and this time for real. 
          I have unpublished Are You Duffing Me? and have started a new book, Everything She Is. This story has the same over all plot- terrible friend that uses girl- but its also really different. 
          I hope you guys check it out. I will be posting again by the end of the week. I hope you all love it, please read, like, and leave comments I love the comments- they help a lot!
           Have a great Day/Night/ Week
          Love lots,


Hey, so I am rewriting DSM, and I hope you can all support this. The new version is its own publish and only has one part at this current moment (the prolong). 
          I really hope you check this out.
           Also I am getting back into Are You Duffing Me?. I edited the first chapter and took down the other two. I will be working on the next steps within the next few days. 
          Lots of love, 


Okay so it's official I am signing back on!
          I will be taking requests on which books to actually update and which to discontinue.
          Please dm me if you have a request. Also, I would love new covers! So if I have any artistic fans- don't hide you're talent! 
          Can't wait to hear from all of you,
          (New name ;) )


Hey everyone: 
          Sorry I haven't been on in a while a lot has been going on in my life outside wattpad #reallifesucks. Anyway, I missed y'all so, I'm back, and I'm gonna try to make it up to you so if you have any request for the book I should update first tell me!
          (Like comment here, or pm me) 
          So love you lots,
          (Yeah I'm going to be signing off as jay now instead of my username since its easier and jay seems so much cooler- I sound like a spy)


@hothotchocolate yeah I really do. Stereotypes are the thing that make me want to wack society in the head everyday


@RoseGirl234  Hello ! I  see you hate stereotypes  so please check out my book 'Fat Boys Kiss Better '. It might surprise you :) ( I am exaggerating ).