@Mythicaltemplebunny3 Absolutley! Cant wait to finish Princess At Heart so I can fund out if it does yet. I just hope that Connie doesn't make Lollie happen. It would ruin their friendship and I just don't think that Ellie and Lottie are right for each other in that way.
Hello everyone, how are you? I would like everyone to just let me know if they have any suggestions, in private message of course so that there are no spoilers but also if there is anyone who wants a new story about whatever. Thank you!
Hello everyone I have just posted a few new chapters to some of my books today. It might be a bit slow this week but hopefully will be faster this weekend.
@HAlol989 aww thank you you are so sweet but i dont mind if people follow me or not as long as they enjoy my stories. Also if you didn't know What if just reached number ten in the harmione ranks so thank you because by reading it you contributed to that