
i wrote a DBZ fanfic if anyone wants to check it out


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damn it's been a hot minute since i last posted here huh?
          well, after wattpad removed my fanfic ARITAS (a rip in time and space) despite it being on here for over 2 years, i had decided i wasn't going to really deal with this site anymore because i don't want to put so much effort into a story just to have it be removed for some dumb reason.
          as it is, my ao3 account is more active than here and i'm planning on starting up some Wuthering Waves fanfics because i have been obsessed with that game for a while now lol. Jiyan and Aalto are such malewives and Xiangli Yao is my husband in my heart because he's sweet??? so kind and considerate??? and Male!Rover is a frickin' gremlin sometimes i swear lol
          anyway, life has been real shit lately and i think that's the biggest de-motivator for writing. family issues, not being able to find work, and it's not good and i'm not feeling great, and i can't enjoy anything much anymore which is probably why i latched onto WuWa so hard because for me it's a good escape from all the shit around me...with getting older comes the realization and constant thoughts haunting me that, yes, my mom is also getting older and won't be around forever and it scares me so damn badly and that's not really helping my mental state either cuz my thoughts just spiral down a dark path.
          i constantly have to have some kinda noise in the background otherwise my thoughts get really dark..i don't want to be like this but idk how to be any other way. i don't know how to do basic adult shit because i was never taught and i think that's part of why i'm so scared of shit...


@Swan1221 thank you for the kind comment, it means a lot to me.


@RoseMason7  I hope you are doing okay and thank you for letting us know! 


despite ARITAS being taken down and not having touched it in a few years previously, is it odd that i still remember what i wrote for it?? and all the plot points and story beats and stuff like that for it that i had planned??


okay so 3 of my dreammare books have now been unpublished (the one-shots and the first 2 books of the "King and His" series") due to wattpad being a bitch and having removed "A Rip in Time and Space". a book i had worked so hard on and was even planning on doing a rewrite of this year. i'm not sure how i feel about wattpad now after this stunt.
          the unpublishing is to protect my other works due to the sexual content in them - seriously, wattpad is turning into with the whole censoring :/ might just have to move the stuff to ao3 cuz at least then you can have explicit content lol or at least use ao3 for the mature chapters of a story idk
          what do you guys think? should i move completely over to ao3 or just use it for the explicit content only but still upload here?


@StrooberryDoesBooks i wouldn't be surprised if it had been spammed. for the last 3-4 years it's been crap on the internet what with everyone suddenly becoming so overly sensitive to anything. it's one of the reasons why i haven't been active like i used to


@RoseMason7 Someone probably spam reported it or something. This is the second time I've seen a dreammare book in specific get deleted though..


@StrooberryDoesBooks i just don't get why wattpad would decide NOW would be a good time to delete it??? it was up for nearly 4 whole years