Hello, it has been long...I don't even know if I can be as active as I used to, in life I have entered a new stage of responsibilities and even in writing, I started writing in real life, I even wrote a short story and gave it to someone professional to see my mistakes and if my way of writing is any good. During that time, I have wrote a few chapters on papers, and it may take time to put them on the app, i will see what I can do. I am glad the stories are still getting read, and I own guys are enjoying them and commenting on them.

@gempotter713 oh thank you. I am just worried because even my interests are beginning to change, I worried that my readers wouldn't accept the change

[@RosePotterStories] hii it's been so long! it's great that you've started writing irl. please don't feel pressured to put anything out, do it at your own pace!