Working on Red


@Jesse165 Hi there. Yes, I do have school. And all honors classes. And a lot of things going on in my life right now. My acedemics come first, writing is just a lesuire. I am happy you like the book so much you decided to ask me when Im going to update next, but you could have said it differently. So many people with awesome books with millions of views go without posting for months and will come out with a half page chapter. I put effort into my chapters, and write as often as I can. Sometimes I just cant think of anything to write. So, you should be able to understand if I dont update my books for a little while. I am not trying to be rude, rather, trying to explain why I do post chapters so far apart. At this point in time I cant change that the chapters take so long to update. Im sorry. Again, I will try my best to get to my computer more, if I have any free time. Thank you for bringing this up, and I hope I answered your question:) And this is for any and all who are questioning my chapters being so slow to update. I promise to make the next chapter super special.


hey I know you probably busy but when are you going to update. like I know that some people have jobs while others have school now that summer is over but at least update um I don't know once a week or every two weeks I wouldn't even mind if its late but don't leave me hanging for like two months.


Honestly, I really hatteee the book Sorrow, and will probably be either deleting it, or editing it A LOTTT. Wanna know something I have realized? ALLLLL of my stories are cliche love stories.So, Im making a new one that wont be so cliche.