Sorry to be such a sport sport but I've totally lost track of my own story due to prelims and such! I'm just gonna delete bring him home and simply upload poems til I am able to sit down and properly write. Sorry <3
Sorry to be such a sport sport but I've totally lost track of my own story due to prelims and such! I'm just gonna delete bring him home and simply upload poems til I am able to sit down and properly write. Sorry <3
Unfortunately due to school practice prelims I can't upload til later, the latest will be Tuesday night though cause then the practice is over and so is my French Oral <3
Uch, wattpad you have got to be kidding me?!?!? Had chapter 19 all written out and it was quite brilliant.., so I go to find my three hearts like I always do.. Go back and the whole thing's deleted...WTF??? Uncool.