
Happy New Years to all!! I hope that this year will at least be marginally better than the last...


Heyyaa fellow witch/wizard!!!!!
          Sorry, I don't mean to intrude, if i am then feel free to ignore me n delete this
          I'm here just to help my friend melifluousgelatoo get more support, here's some facts about the book =
          ° it's titled 'Raeliana Adfrenssa' 
          ° genre : fantasy
          ° ongoing
          ° it's not a fanfic (so u can read it w out being in any kind of fandom)
          ° it's clean of any smuts whatsoever
          ° contain many kind of plot twists which is rly unpredictable
          ° read it n you'll like it, I promise ✧
          ° story's link →
          I personally think it's a good book despite being her first one, so maybe u can read, vote or maybe comment or follow her? 
          thank you in advance n have a nice day, if not? then go avada kedavra those problems awayy or let's grab some fire whiskey 
          stay safe, a l w a y s ❤️


@universespieceofdust  Of course! I’ll check it out