
Rosz: hey rose petals! With the help of Snow (Roses sister she’s fused with,) this account is up and running again! 
          	Snow: hi! :D
          	Rosz: unfortunately I’m on vacation right now, but when I finally return home there will be more updates coming out! I like to read a lot in the school year, hehe. 
          	Until then my rose petals, I will see you next time. Bye!!


Rosz: hey rose petals! With the help of Snow (Roses sister she’s fused with,) this account is up and running again! 
          Snow: hi! :D
          Rosz: unfortunately I’m on vacation right now, but when I finally return home there will be more updates coming out! I like to read a lot in the school year, hehe. 
          Until then my rose petals, I will see you next time. Bye!!