
I can't believe it's been almost a year since I posted a new chapter... 
          	Firstly, I am SO sorry to all of my readers for not updating Following the Rules or posting a message on here to you all. It's been one hell of a year, I think we can all agree on that. I've still been writing away but nowhere near as much as I wanted to and I'm really sorry that I haven't given any sort of news/update on here. I haven't forgotten any of you though, and I would really like to share a few more of my chapters with you. I've written three chapters (37, 38 & 39) and will be working on the fourth very soon, so I will be posting one chapter a week from tomorrow! 
          	After that, we'll have to wait and see...
          	Thank you all for your patience and understanding! Stay safe all <3



Thank you so much for updating!!!
          Most of my favorite books were removed from wattpad, so I was kinda worried the same was gonna happen to this one.
          If you ever plan on publishing/self-publishing in the future or whatever, just know I’ll be one of your first buyers. Your story is amazing.


I can't believe it's been almost a year since I posted a new chapter... 
          Firstly, I am SO sorry to all of my readers for not updating Following the Rules or posting a message on here to you all. It's been one hell of a year, I think we can all agree on that. I've still been writing away but nowhere near as much as I wanted to and I'm really sorry that I haven't given any sort of news/update on here. I haven't forgotten any of you though, and I would really like to share a few more of my chapters with you. I've written three chapters (37, 38 & 39) and will be working on the fourth very soon, so I will be posting one chapter a week from tomorrow! 
          After that, we'll have to wait and see...
          Thank you all for your patience and understanding! Stay safe all <3


I love this book you should really update it plzz


Omg that's so amazing I absolutely can not wait 


@meganbaby1 Thank you so much! I love hearing how much others are enjoying my book <3 there are four more updates coming your way... the first will be published tomorrow!


Hope all is well! Patiently (impatiently lol) waiting for an update 


Also no need to apologize, I’m just glad to see that you at least try to make your way back 


I’ve been here since the first version and when it disappeared from my library before it was finished, I was devastated and always checked back to see if it had been re-uploaded. I’m so thankful that it has been and I’ll continue to be here until this version is complete. 


@mickeymizz-ouse Hi there! I think you're more than used to my long periods of absence and I can only apologise (again!) for not updating sooner... it's hard to believe sometimes how quickly time flies. I WILL be sharing four more of my chapters on here (37, 38, 39 & 40) and then we'll have to see about the last handful which are still in the works (they live in my head, and I need to get them onto my machine haha). Hopefully you'll still be thinking about my book, about my boys, and you'll be excited to see an update is definitely coming... watch this space!


Hi there! Hope you and your loved ones are all safe and sound. I'm just here to I need my dose of Jace & Kody! It's been way too long :3 I hope you update whenever you see fit but hopefully soon *crosses fingers* ^.^


@MuffinS444 I'm kind of ducking my head in shame as I write this because you're right... it's been way WAY too long since I last updated and I can only apologise for that :( I didn't realise quite how long it had been until logging in and seeing your messages, now I feel absolutely awful! 
            To see how much someone loves my book, loves my boys, is honestly the most amazing thing and I'm sorry you haven't been able to see more of them in so long! I have some new chapters coming very soon... Hopefully they will in some way go towards making up for the incredibly long wait! 
            I hope you're keeping safe and well in this scary world <3


Also, if you ever publish this book, just know that you've already got a customer in me! I'm going to recommend this to all my Wattpad friends. This deserves way too much. 