          	Yall I've got this poetry blog if anyone's's mostly trauma related works, but I suppose it doesn't hurt to share. <3


I would just like to say the last fic of 2021 I read was about Peter Parker getting into trouble and calling the avengers by their first names when he's panicked.
          But no, actually, happy new year, guys! I know 2021 was really rough, more for some, less for some, but it was altogether weird. But we're gonna make this year better, because we're gonna have a much better sense of optimism this year.
          This year, my new years resolution is to better my mental health. 2020 and 2021 were...rough, to say the least, for me, and I refuse to let my mind ruin this year for me too.
          I hope you guys are all staying healthy and safe, and I hope your new years are going well.
          Love you guys <3


Consent is smexy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
          And Hajimeme knows a lot about that consent.
          ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


@Goldeneyescat Not at all what this was meant for (honestly i was just posting half asleep and this meant literally nothing) but I 100% agree


@RosesSanctuary I agree, consent is sexy and so are fictional men


I'm so sorry why am I like this-


So I don't know why, bit I do, but anyways...
          Leon, Mondo, and Kaede. Their executions are the worst things I've ever had to see. I'm not too sure why, maybe it's because of how unfair I found them, but they made me very queesy and uncomfortable when they happened, which was weird considering I watched the others pretty fine. Also Nagito and Kokichi have the worst deaths. Idk.


I wish we had 2020 back.
          Not because of all the death and hate last year, but because last year is such a nostalgia moment for me. The people I interacted with last year on here are so amazing, and I haven't had nearly as many talks with them as I should.
          You guys are so amazing, I love y'all. You all make my day. <3<3<3


Love you too dude, I hope you’re doing ok :] <3 /g /p