@Rosethekitty123 (I was on your dA page when I saw you posted a journal of "Fire Your Arrows". So, I checked your Wattpad, saw HS, flipped out because my friend was a Homestuck. Us Homestucks have to stick together) It's so nice to know YOUR A HOMESTUCK THO! I'm so happy... I-I... I need a towel
ERRR KID? I can't choose ;O; John's so innocent and nerdy and ADORABLE, Dave's just so COOOOOOOOL, Rose is Rose, Jade loves dogs... I CAN'T CHOOSE!!!! Also, I'm pretty cool with characters being dead lol Midnight crew or felt.... MIDNIGHT FELT?! XD I love everyone :U (LET'S CHAT MOAR)
@NeoplasticPsycho ((Oooooooooh! YES. HOMESTUCKS SHOULD ALWAYS STICK TOGETHER.)) Yeee ;w; It's really nice knowing your friends like the same fandom your obsessed with!!! I see what you did there XD Anyways! QUESTION TIME! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ok, So who's your favorite kid? And why? If any HS character could come to life who would you want it to be? OwO Aaaaaaaand, last but not least, Midnight crew or The felt? ewe
@Rosethekitty123 You... You're a HOMESTUCK?! How did I not know this <:u How long... HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN THIS WAY?! We must fangirl together :u (Also, hey! XD)
@NeoplasticPsycho YES I AM!!!!!! ASDJNLBRDSISLJK, probably because...I dunno XD Srsly, I have no idea, any time somebody figures out I'm a Homestuck they're like "YOU'RE A HOMESTUCK??? REALY???" Pffft, I don't know why people don't know, in real life I ALWAYS make Homestuck references and THEY STILL DON'T FIGURE IT OUT. HOW, I ASK MYSELF. HOWWWWWWWWWWWW???? I....can't remember for how long XD Yes, we must. ((Hey! XD Question, what made you comment on my profile about me being a homestuck? :u))