


7th graders are the worse. A girl brought twister to school today and things went well until 6 PPL decided to play twister and a girl's glasses broke so now we are banned from brining twister to school becuz girls can't read instructions on a box b4 playing a game


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Today all 7th graders had to take a vaccine (that includes me :(.  All the girls (I go to an all girls school) started crying when the nurses called up the first child and she started screaming the whole school. I have huge fear of needles so I actually started to hyperventilate (heavy raggedy breathing) . The principal, bless her heart, asked me if I wanted to go home and take shots tmr but it was already my fucking turn! Y'all , I never screamed louder in my entire life If this is what all Secondary Schoolers (High schoolers) have to go through them I might just drop out of school and do YouTube  full time.


@RoseyDaqueenofRamen .....i just got PTSD from one year ago when i was in 7th grade in my old school and they did the same thing to us too... like 2/3 of the kids that went there screamed (i'm in the 1/3 part cuz i just cried like never before)....i asked the teachers in my hight school if we have to do this and they said no so i'm free from the trauma but still i'm sorry for u  can litherally felt the pain the moment i saw the word vaccine :-:


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Y'all I had a gf but then she acted difffrent after summer she called me a retarded gay bitch even though the other day I had to stop her from biting my neck and groping me and she flipped me off multiple times and she even attacked me so I dumped her so now I'm crying bc I'm single once again *cries in single*


@RoseyDaqueenofRamen I'm single too , but what she had done was sexual harassment/abuse. She shouldn't have done that and you don't deserve that, if it wasn't consented as well, I am so sorry it happened to you <3


I'm scared..... For those non Caribbean moots out there y'all don't know the horror that is S.E.A (Secondary Entrance Assessment)  it basically and exam that test on English Maths and Creative Writing and all 7th graders (Standard 5's) have to take it it can change your life for the better or the worse and I'm terrified I almost dropped to a C last term I'm shaking which is why I haven't been uploading on any of my books rn


@Thelichgoat It's llike a couple of  exams for in 7th graders, that test your skills in english, math and so on, but the result of this exam is used for applying  into a new school (which is why their difficuly is so hight) .The higher the score, the bigger chance to be accepted by the school you want to aply to. i dont think these type of exams are taken everywhere in the world(at least i don't know)...soo you're lucky


@RoseyDaqueenofRamen i have no idea what that is


@RoseyDaqueenofRamen I can feel the pain through the screen right now. i don't live in the Caribbean ,but i had the same exams last school year.In my country we start preparing for this exams in 5th grade and we take them in the end of 7th the end of this nightmare i lost like half of my sanity, mental stability and i looked like a dead racoon who has not had a proper sleep  in the last six months. I wish you good luck with the exams. And also your books are really great! I read one of the ragapom books every now and then when i had a chance for a break, it was a good entertainment so thank you for writing these good books!