
I'm really worried about doxie. She's been inactive lately and idk if she's doing okay. We haven't talked in months. 


"This question only YOU can answer. 
          Remember, at the end of the day, this is your life. Don't let anyone tell you what you should or shouldn't decide; you are the one living with the consequences. But as long as you remember that we all make mistakes, we never meant to hurt the people we love. Sometimes people do deserve that second chance."
          -a quora person


"As many times in our lives, we will upset others; we will anger them, hurt them, bother them, disappoint them, or let them down. But then there are other times where we can make them feel appreciated, cared for, and we give them all we can. We only try to live the best life we can, we try to make others happy the best way we know how; but sometimes we get it wrong. As do the people around us. However, when someone shows remorse, shows genuine promise that they are willing to TRY to change; That is when they might deserve a second chance with you. It is up to you whether you want to take that risk."


"Thinking about the idea of second chances or forgiveness is such a hard thing to do. It's so easy for someone to say 'let it go, the past is the past.' but when you were the one who experienced the ordeal, it is a gut-wrenching to decide whether to forgive someone or not."


"If you find out that the nature of a person is pretty terrible, then you know what? They aren't your friend. If they are overall good and it just looks like they made a bad decision to go along with a group that was bashing you because you were being a jerk, then forgive them and give them a chance to come back to your side, and let them know that forgiveness is a two way street, but forgetting is not."
          -a guy from quora 


"Hate is a feeling. That is very strong and negative doesn't take away from it's being a feeling. To have a feeling is to invest oneself in whatever or whomever the feeling is about. To invest oneself in a person, place, thing, or idea, is to expend energy having a positive or negative opinion about whatever or whomever it is, which, in turn, means caring in one way or another."