The fire covered the house as smoke filled the room, thick grey clouds surrounding me. I struggled to breathe for a moment, soon leaning down below the smoke allowing small puffs of hot air into my lungs. I grabbed ahold of my now wet shirt as I held it over my smoke covered face. my eyes burning from the smoke as I tried to find a way out, moving my left hand out in front of me. I continued on my way forward "wh-where is it"I coughed out as I searched for the door. finally finding the handle I reached out grabbing it, burning my hand as I held tightly twisting and turning. The smoke becoming thicker as I struggled with the nob for a moment. I reached down taking in a hand full of my shirt quickly wrapping it around the door nob pulling and turning it as much as I can, my hand soon began to burn rushing a slight pain over my body. my thoughts only focused on getting me out after a struggle of trying to get the door open it swings open causing me to fall back as the cold air rushed in hitting against my smoky skin and filling the house with cold and hot air causing it to make a warm breeze. I shut my eyes tightly turning over onto my hands and knees crawling over to the door that now sat open. The cold air causing the burning sensation in my body to stop. I laid moments on the cold grass as I began to relax letting air fill my lungs as I slowly opened my eyes looking up above me to see a rather large shadowy figure, I struggled for a moment as I came to a stand seeing the wings of the beast that destroyed my house.
This is just a preview of the next story I am writing