
My new book "The Lost Ones" will officially start on Friday but I'm posting a sneak peak of chapter 1 for now, hope you enjoy it if you read it. :) P.S it's Rosiem18. I just changed my username.


Woow. BTR preformed outside ur work, Sinjin at ur college, Teen Vouge it girl?? Omg. U live the life!! I'd kill to see BTR live, i'm in the UK so never have seen them :( Followed xx


Aww thanks, but I just grew up over here. I'm more jealous of you for living in the UK! I want to go there so badly. I've never left my country, let alone state lol


Wow over 21,000 reads on Rush. Wow. Thank you all so much! I'm almost done with my 1st year of college so I'll be back really soon to update Rush's sequel Lust. Aww seriously I can't thank you guys enough :'). Oh and I will fan back as many of you when I get the wattpad app on my phone again :). Ttyl <3