Hey My Fans:)
I would love for all of you to go and read my fanfiction "My Best Friend: Harry Styles" Once my latest chapter gets to 5 votes I will update! I have a lot of things instore for this story:)
Hey Lovelys(:
Just letting you guys know that I will update "My Best Friend: Harry Styles" After atleast 3 votes! Please Vote!(:
PLUS I will be starting an original writing and another fanfiction soon(: SO EXCITED! I'll put up the prologue's soon and I would like to know your lovely thoughts(: Thank you all for be my fans(:
Peace Out:P
@RosieMixx would it be possible to have it in the next couple of minutes as im going to be finishing it soon because its nealy 1am so i need to go to bed. Sorry if its a pain x