Okay, just gonna say this because I know like one friend on here and I want her to know why I'm gone. Simple answer? I can't remember to go on wattpad- I hate it here, I don't know why I do but I do. So, a goodbye @inkfern- I want to admit something, I miss you a lot and I did like you way back then- no this isn't me confessing because I still love you, you're an amazing person and I wish we could still talk. But I don't want you to never feel disclosed on that topic. If you want to still talk to me, (There's a lot of things you don't know about me, and I'd love to catch up with you!) my user is Blizzard#0099 and I'll have my friend requests open until you either friend me or tell me you don't want to (or can't) friend me. Otherwise? What will become of this account? Probably will be abandoned, I can't seem to find the want to log on, no matter whatever I do. Now, here's my final goodbye, I'll be checking on every day for Ink's answer but afterwards, I'm not gonna log on and if I do, I'll be back.
@inkfern- I'll also be forever grateful for you making me meet Reed- they're amazing and so are you, I wish the best for you
Aw, I missed so much during my vacay. Well I’m happy if you’re happy and to be honest, I only come on Wattpad for my team updates. Other than that, I’m dead here. Reedy’s gone, so is my irl friend. Have a nice life, Rosie. It was nice knowing you because you’re an amazing person. Sorry I didn’t answer earlier, its been so long since you wrote this message you probably won’t see mine...Just, stay weird and creepy for me, okay?