So! A real quick lesson for y’all-
AP Human Geography is a class in which you learn about things like migration, culture and population growth. You may be wondering why this is important, which is what I will explain now;
Culture was one of the topics I mentioned above and it’s the one we’re on now in my classroom. And what do we associate with culture? Food!! Which is AMAZING. Who doesn’t like food? But then we got into the food of folk culture.. which is less popular (like Beef, Chicken, Pork, etc.) and more isolated to specific areas (for example: eating crickets or spiders). And if you’re squeamish about people eating insects then this will make you wanna puke.. or cry. But I’m getting ahead of myself; back to ap human geo. Now my teacher decided that she was gonna show us a documentary on exotic foods. Seems pretty normal, right? I thought so too, until one detail was shown quite vividly on the screen:
You know how when you eat crab usually restaurants will bring you the whole shell of the crab too? Well think of that...
But with dogs.
..aand that was my lesson for the day apologies in advance for the mental images I promise you I feel just as scarred for life thank you and good day-!