
Hi All. so nie to hear from those of you that still think of me.  I am missing all of you and very much appreciate hearing from you.  I know we all have times in our lives when words can not express (maybe just me) but I have not been able to write anything in 2 and a half years.  Maybe I was nver meant to write.  My Dad died in June of 2016 and my sister in June of this year an just when I thought I maybe, my brother is fighting for his life.  I love my Wattpad family and thanks for remembering me and thinking about me.  :)


Hi All. so nie to hear from those of you that still think of me.  I am missing all of you and very much appreciate hearing from you.  I know we all have times in our lives when words can not express (maybe just me) but I have not been able to write anything in 2 and a half years.  Maybe I was nver meant to write.  My Dad died in June of 2016 and my sister in June of this year an just when I thought I maybe, my brother is fighting for his life.  I love my Wattpad family and thanks for remembering me and thinking about me.  :)


I would like to thank all of my Wattpad friends for your very kind comments and prayers.  I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to comment.  I guess we are never prepared to lose a Parent, child, loved one.  I know I wasn't.  Thank you all very much..


@CynthiaRossetti I'm sorry hear of your loss. Sorry if i didn't know that. Here is a hug for you.


            I'm sorry to hear of your loss.
            Much love and gentle hugs...


@CynthiaRossetti  Take all the time you need, we will still be here.


Bobby Lassiter 1938-2016 .  No more suffering,  I love you Dad


@CynthiaRossetti My thoughts and prayers are with you at this sad time, Cindy. All the best .  ~ Gail


@CynthiaRossetti aww sorry to hear about your lost. here a hug. my condolences.


            My condolences,  Cindy. Hugs.