
After a year of not uploading chapters to my books, I was finally able to upload Chapter 010 of The Deaf One! I hope everyone enjoys it! 
          	I have dealt with a lot in this past year and haven’t found time to sit down and write a full chapter, just a little bit here and there. I found out I was pregnant in May of 2023, got engaged in July of 2023, married in October of 2023, then I had my son via c-section in January of 2024. I have been struggling with depression and anxiety on top of PPD, PPD, PPR and PTSD so I have to separate myself from writing to focus on myself and my family. And in March of 2024, my son ended up having surgery so I had to step away once more. Thankfully he’s recovered and is a happy 5.5 month old. And things are finally settling down and into a routine, so hopefully I can get back into writing and uploading! 


PPD- Postpartum Depression 
          	  PPA- Postpartum Anxiety 
          	  PPR- Postpartum Rage


After a year of not uploading chapters to my books, I was finally able to upload Chapter 010 of The Deaf One! I hope everyone enjoys it! 
          I have dealt with a lot in this past year and haven’t found time to sit down and write a full chapter, just a little bit here and there. I found out I was pregnant in May of 2023, got engaged in July of 2023, married in October of 2023, then I had my son via c-section in January of 2024. I have been struggling with depression and anxiety on top of PPD, PPD, PPR and PTSD so I have to separate myself from writing to focus on myself and my family. And in March of 2024, my son ended up having surgery so I had to step away once more. Thankfully he’s recovered and is a happy 5.5 month old. And things are finally settling down and into a routine, so hopefully I can get back into writing and uploading! 


PPD- Postpartum Depression 
            PPA- Postpartum Anxiety 
            PPR- Postpartum Rage


Before I start with the upcoming announcement, I just want to say that I’m sorry for disappearing for weeks, months even. Life has been hectic since I got married in October and it’s finally starting to slow down and get back into the routine of things. 
          I will start updating my stories again soonish, however I can’t give an exact date and time that the next updates will be. I still have to write, edit, and proofread the chapters before publishing them for you all to read. It may take some time, as I did welcome my son in January via a c-section so I’m still recovering from that and trying to set a new routine in life with a newborn. But I promise that there will be updates soon! Again, I apologize for being gone for so long without any updates or explanations. 


@RosyEclipse1 omg congratulations!! hope you and your family are doing well and i wish you a good recovery ❤️❤️


Hey, everyone! 
          I am sorry for being inactive and not updating my stories. Life has gotten complicated and I have lost Wifi and only have so much data, before it runs out. As soon as I have Wifi back, I will be updating my stories! 
          Lots of love, 


@rosyeclipse20 take your time Ev! It's ok. 