
Hey guys, it's been a while. A very long while. I realised that this isn't where I write and such anymore. I still read some things here, but that's it. I'm not keeping up with my own work, and therefore I will get them off wattpad. I'm sorry for those who waited for Jet Black Heart to continue and I'm also sorry if you liked my stuff. I'm on pinterest these days; Lusan <3. If you want to follow me ther, be my guest, and I'll probably follow back and send a message :). For now, this is goodbye. I love you, whoever read my works. Ever.


Hey guys, it's been a while. A very long while. I realised that this isn't where I write and such anymore. I still read some things here, but that's it. I'm not keeping up with my own work, and therefore I will get them off wattpad. I'm sorry for those who waited for Jet Black Heart to continue and I'm also sorry if you liked my stuff. I'm on pinterest these days; Lusan <3. If you want to follow me ther, be my guest, and I'll probably follow back and send a message :). For now, this is goodbye. I love you, whoever read my works. Ever.


Heey guys, I have absolutely no idea who reads this, but okay :) I'm writing a short story, inspired by Jet Black Heart by 5sos. BUT since our computer is dead I can't type it over, so I have to do it at school, but I don't have much time between the lessons. Maybe the first.chapter will be up in a few days, maybe it will take longer. But I'm. alive and writing again :)


Okay I'm not good at promises. I'll try update something at school today. Not sure though... ughh hate this... 
          I was about to update something lately till I discovered my lyrics disappeared. Well, it just wasn't there. And then I realised my dog had something in his mouth. Three times guessing what...


Heyy everyone! 
          Been offline for a long time, much happened, sorry for not doing ANYTHING on wattpad! I've been working on a lot of poems and songs lately, I'll probably post some stuff soon. There will be a poem about Music and Love this week! Promise!
          Love, Rosy


heey guys,
          Safe And Sound zal de komende tijd nog niet geupdatet worden.
          Ik ben mijn beste vriend kwijtgeraakt deze week.
          onze vriendschap heeft het nog geen jaar uitgehouden, maar in dat jaar is er veel gebeurd en we zijn heel dicht naar elkaar toe gegroeid. we hebben elkaar verder geholpen toen we het nodig hadden, en steunden elkaar wanneer nodig. 
          en nu heeft hij zonder pardon onze band verscheurd.
          Dit alles heeft voor veel emotie gezorgd en ik ben niet in staat geweest de eerste hoofdstukken van S&S goed af te maken en online te zetten.
          Sorry daarvoor, ik zal proberen Safe and Sound snel te updaten.
          Liefs Rosy