
Happy Late New Years to everyone! I wanted to let anyone who gives half a care that my very lengthy hiatus is finally coming to a close. With it, some changes will be occurring on this page very soon. A new work will be added to the content, one I hope to be the first of many in a series, and there will be other additions as well. So strap in and I hope you enjoy the ride to come. 


Happy Late New Years to everyone! I wanted to let anyone who gives half a care that my very lengthy hiatus is finally coming to a close. With it, some changes will be occurring on this page very soon. A new work will be added to the content, one I hope to be the first of many in a series, and there will be other additions as well. So strap in and I hope you enjoy the ride to come. 


I've gone in and done some editing on the first five chapters of "Fallen". To those who left comments, I thank you for all of your advice and opinions. Be assured that I took every one of them into account when making changes. Some advice I followed, some I chose to ignore, and some I kind of met halfway, altering things but not in the suggested way. All of your comments made me rethink my story in ways I hadn't thought of before, so I thank you all and hope that you will continue reading!


Hi everyone! I'm back! It is much later than I thought it would be but hopefully there won't  be any breaks in the near future.  A lot has happened recently, but I won't get too into all of that. The next Twins of Honor chapter is up and running and I plan to get started on the sixth tomorrow and have it up next Friday. I hope to have something posted every week from now on, whether it be a chapter of a current story or series  or something new. Whatever it is, I hope you will give it a read and let me know what you think! Don't be afraid to speak your mind! Peace!