
Okaaaay I accidentally started a war from asking a question on a boom about someone's opinions-
          	Funny thing is, I was just asking if she was supportive of trans people because the area with her opinions on trans people seemed a bit transphobic and I was just curious-
          	Anyways imma go sit in a corner now


Okaaaay I accidentally started a war from asking a question on a boom about someone's opinions-
          Funny thing is, I was just asking if she was supportive of trans people because the area with her opinions on trans people seemed a bit transphobic and I was just curious-
          Anyways imma go sit in a corner now


          LJKE WHAT


@Pheonixe123 Oki so i kinda forgot to do this-
            But it’s basically Sun hallucinating Nexus but it’s a lot worse than when he hallucinated Bloodmoon


@Pheonixe123 Nah it's fine-
            Didn't even realize it to be honest-


@RowanlikesSAMS dear stars I hate myself…


Everything still feels like it's not real yaaaaaaay
          I don't wanna cry anymore tho


 Everything always feels fake to me. Like a huge loop. But I can sadly confirm to you that I'm real.


this message may be offensive
Vent i guess (not like my posts get a lot of interaction anyways but still.):
          Nothing feels real. I don’t know what the hell is going on but nothing feels real. Everything seems to loud. I feel like crying. The lights seem to bright. Everything seems too loud and too bright. I’m probably gonna put in my earbuds at some point. I don’t feel like I’m real. I feel like I’m an extra character in a movie if that makes any sense. My thoughts are fucking screaming at me. Can’t tell if I’m in another mood swing or if I’m actually fucking depressed this time. Who the hell knows at this point. My thoughts are fucking screaming at me to do something, anything to myself to make me feel real or alive. Something that makes me feel anything other than this. I can’t drown them out. I feel trapped in my own body. I feel like I’m in someone else’s body. I hate this. I hate this feeling. I hate feeling in general because it always gets someone annoyed at me. But I feel numb, yet I want to cry. Feeling numb only makes me feel worse. What the hell is wrong with me?


@RowanlikesSAMS I wish I could give you a hug :(


@RowanlikesSAMS I’m sorry :(( I don’t know how else to help I’m afraid :(