At an unspecified point in the series timeline, William's son Michael investigates Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental, the underground facility where Circus Baby is kept, only to be forcibly "scooped" by Baby, who has combined with other animatronics to form Ennard, using Michael's hollowed body as a host. However, Michael's body gradually rots, and Ennard is forced to eject itself out. Michael is then apparently resurrected and begins searching for his father.
A while after the death of his victims, William is confronted by the ghosts of the children he murdered. Seeking refuge from the ghosts, he hides inside an old yellow rabbit animatronic, Spring Bonnie. The suit's springlock mechanisms inside fail and snap shut, crushing William to death as his soul inhabits the animatronic, becoming Springtrap. Eventually, the restaurant chain shuts down. Thirty years later, a horror attraction based on the restaurant chain known as Fazbear's Fright is constructed and Springtrap is unearthed for it. Before opening to the public, however, a fire destroys the attraction, which frees the souls of most of William's victims and destroys the original mascots, though Springtrap escapes. Some time after the fire, Henry lures Michael, Springtrap (now Scraptrap), and all animatronics that were not destroyed in Fazbear's Fright—including the Marionette, Ennard (now Molten Freddy), and the now-rebuilt Baby (Scrap Baby)—into one single pizzeria. He then sets fire to the restaurant, destroying those inside and freeing all the children's souls.[47][48][49] William, meanwhile, is trapped and repeatedly tormented in eternal hell by the spirit of Cassidy, one of the children he murdered.