I recalled the memories of my 3 years crush of my junior highschool era and still sobbed. I wonder how could he left me with no trace remained.
Roxy mau bikin jadi bahan, tapi pas ngedraft partnya, Roxy inget banget puisi dari doi yang dititipin ke temen sebangku Roxy (karena di hari sebelum perpisahan, rumah Roxy kebanjiran agak tinggi)
Puisi itu baru dikasihin ke Roxy pas Roxy udah SMA. Roxy baru nyadar kalo selama ini doi juga cherishing the three years we'd passed together. He wrote every moment we joked, we laughed, we argued, and even we walked through the sun and the rain. Roxy masih nyimpen puisinya sampe sekarang.
Mungkin kalo sekarang keliatannya kek cheesy banget atau ga modal banget. But the way I used to love someone hardly makes me wonder how could I love someone like that again. The way we purely loved each other, kami berdua gapunya apa-apa dan belum jadi siapa-siapa, how could I find such a love like that again?
"Patah hati terhebat akan menghasilkan pujangga terbaik," i said. The poems I've wrote, the stories I've made, the languages I've learnt, the verses I've memorized, the 'kuliah sastra' I take with a nearly round perfect GPA. The way you made me a great poet of my life, it was all by breaking my heart hardly.