Yo dawg, I saw you commented on my fanfic. You have any ideas for a Dog Man x Petey one-shot? I'm stumped

@Readingwordies Lil Petey wanted to Go on night watch of the city with Dog man, Dog man gives in, They end up both falling asleep,Petey sees them and being concerned takes them to Dog man’s house to rest, Petey stays the night,Petey wakes up with Dog man licking his face and gets flustered, lil Petey comes in talking all about the ,,cool adventure “ him and Dog man had last night , While lil Petey keeps rambling Dog man gets *real* close to Petey’s face and gives him a lil kiss on the cheek,lil Petey gets distracted and goes upstairs, Before you know it Dog man’s is bombarding Petey with kisses (Petey doesn’t know whether to push Dog man away or just say like this so he’s just there frozen) and well thats all i got for now :^