
To my followers and evidently anyone else who reads this,
          	I am feeling in the writing mood recently but have been having trouble figuring out what to write. And so, I implore of you to leave one word here, just one, that I could use to write a story with. Obviously, I am not looking for words such as "A", "The", or "I", but ones that hold more weight to them. 
          	If you do this for me I will write a paragrah or more using the word you leave in the first sentence of it and not to mention, I will mention (emphasis on the "I" ) you in the chapter in which I use your word.
          	So yeah, that's all I wish to ask of you and if you could answer my plea that would be great. Thanks a bunch,


To my followers and evidently anyone else who reads this,
          I am feeling in the writing mood recently but have been having trouble figuring out what to write. And so, I implore of you to leave one word here, just one, that I could use to write a story with. Obviously, I am not looking for words such as "A", "The", or "I", but ones that hold more weight to them. 
          If you do this for me I will write a paragrah or more using the word you leave in the first sentence of it and not to mention, I will mention (emphasis on the "I" ) you in the chapter in which I use your word.
          So yeah, that's all I wish to ask of you and if you could answer my plea that would be great. Thanks a bunch,