
So the end of Fixing the melodies almost near I've been thinking about what to write. I do have my other Austin and Ally story, which I hope you guys enjoy. But there won't be more to to continue fixing the melodies. It will end with a few more chapters to go. But I've been thinking about writing on another fandom, Girl Meets World. I want to know your option and feed back, so message me send me feedback and I'll reply as soon as possible. Thank you so much for all the support through out the years. 
          	Lots of Love, Roxanne 


So the end of Fixing the melodies almost near I've been thinking about what to write. I do have my other Austin and Ally story, which I hope you guys enjoy. But there won't be more to to continue fixing the melodies. It will end with a few more chapters to go. But I've been thinking about writing on another fandom, Girl Meets World. I want to know your option and feed back, so message me send me feedback and I'll reply as soon as possible. Thank you so much for all the support through out the years. 
          Lots of Love, Roxanne 


Well I do ship Auslly of course and a small little part of my heart will always ship Raura but I really try not too since it will pretty much never happen. If it does I'll be screaming for joy but I've pretty much detached myself from that ship 


Please update A&A Fixing the melodies... I've been waiting for ages and I really want to know what happens. and hopefully when Ally woke up what happened between her and her "dream" (the one where she was in comma) was a dream please?


Hey guys I know it's been some time. but I just wanted you guys to know that I just updated two chapters of my newest A&A fan fiction Mornings and Midnights. 
          I really hope you guys will enjoy and please leave your comments and votes, I love that feedback. 
          Lot's of Love, Roxanne