
I know it's been a while since I posted here, but I have been working on some stuff in the background, finally finished Miss Crow! I am currently working on a little something from the Harry Potter universe, so stay tuned :)


Hey, guys! I just posted my SOA/Mayans fanfiction, titled 'Miss Crow'. It would mean a lot to me if you guys could check it out <3


I beg everyone to please avoid posting TWD spoilers on your message boards, as it shows up on your followers feed. I wish to scroll through my notifications without fear of the show being spoiled for me any further than it already has been. Thank you. 


If anyone knows of some way to turn off those message board notifications, please tell me. All of my important notifications are getting lost in all this spam and I don't feel like looking through 99+ notifications every time I go on Wattpad. 


            I already have all my notification settings turned off, since they are for email notifications. For now I've just unfollowed people who spam via their conversations, unless I actually care for the user/profile.


As of right now there’s no way to turn it off, we’re hoping to get a filtering option. For now we’re just trying to educate people on not abusing the ‘notify my followers’ checkbox


 I already turned it off, but I'm still getting them in my notifications feed. 