
Dave from Love is Blind should not have gone on the show at all if he knew that his sister would never approve of anyone he chose to get engaged to while on the show. And now he's basically only on the show to mess with a girl's feelings (Lauren's)


Dave from Love is Blind should not have gone on the show at all if he knew that his sister would never approve of anyone he chose to get engaged to while on the show. And now he's basically only on the show to mess with a girl's feelings (Lauren's)


Why does Dave from Love is Blind talk about Lauren to other people when she is RIGHT THERE. Like, sir, if you don't trust your fiance's claims about her dating history then you probably should break your engagement off right now since you clearly are having trouble getting past it and won't even believe her friends when they try to explain things to you.


Let me convince you that a God exists:
          This world is just a little too perfect. 
          How do all the animals just happen to contain the nutrients that human beings need to survive? For example, fish live in the water. In the natural world, they will never encounter human beings, and they just happened to "evolve" to have the exact nutrients humans need to survive? And, somehow, this is the same for many, MANY animal species?
          It's the same thing with plants. Why would they have "evolved" to contain the nutrients humans somehow exactly need to survive.
          You see how the nature is just a little too perfect for it to have not been created to serve mankind?
          Not to mention stuff like Wifi and the internet. How could things like that even be invented or possible? It's only purpose is to serve humans. Even if you believe in evolution, things like wifi and technology can't evolve y'all! 
          So how is it possible for almost everything on earth to be just perfect for humans to survive? I'll tell you why. Because an all-powerful God created it to be. Just think about it for a second, if just one organelle from our cells was missing, we wouldn't even be alive!
          Is this all "just by chance" (statistically impossible by the way) or all by a perfect design? I think it's the latter.


Here is my Love is Blind ranking based on who I think is least likely to stay together to who I think is most likely to stay together:
          1. Devin and Virginia
          2. Joey and Monica (I'm starting to have some doubts about them though)
          3. Daniel and Taylor (I no longer think they'll last very long after the instagram drama though)
          4. Ben and Sarah 
          5. Dave and Lauren