
I know I try to have something posted between semesters but this last one was brutal. I traumatized the ligaments in my dominate shoulder by over use while painting oversized canvases without taking enough breaks which I’m currently in physical therapy for. I had my aunt pass away at the start of the semester and then my mother right before finals. Then the cherry on top was getting a nasty ear infection that is just now clearing up when I traveled out to see my siblings over the holidays. 
          	To make up for not posting during winter break I’m gonna try to post something during the semester. I have some time stuck at campus between classes for a meal break. I’m going to try to write during that time if I can. I make no promises though because I have a really full course load… bright side I will be taking summer off again and the fall I have a lighter load. 


@Royal-maiden Hey,  don't worry about updating and just focus on yourself right now, really sorry to hear about your mom and aunt, stay strong and if you want to talk, please don't hesitate, sending lots of love to you and your family ❤️❤️


@Royal-maiden I am so sorry to hear about your mom and aunt.. my heartfelt condolences to you and your family 


I know I try to have something posted between semesters but this last one was brutal. I traumatized the ligaments in my dominate shoulder by over use while painting oversized canvases without taking enough breaks which I’m currently in physical therapy for. I had my aunt pass away at the start of the semester and then my mother right before finals. Then the cherry on top was getting a nasty ear infection that is just now clearing up when I traveled out to see my siblings over the holidays. 
          To make up for not posting during winter break I’m gonna try to post something during the semester. I have some time stuck at campus between classes for a meal break. I’m going to try to write during that time if I can. I make no promises though because I have a really full course load… bright side I will be taking summer off again and the fall I have a lighter load. 


@Royal-maiden Hey,  don't worry about updating and just focus on yourself right now, really sorry to hear about your mom and aunt, stay strong and if you want to talk, please don't hesitate, sending lots of love to you and your family ❤️❤️


@Royal-maiden I am so sorry to hear about your mom and aunt.. my heartfelt condolences to you and your family 


Hiii!How are you?I hope fine!
          I'm sorry for bothering you, but do you have time to check out my stories? 
          my biggest dream is to become a great author one day!
          If you are interested, here it is.
          I follow back too for help you because I know it's not easy to be a writer ;)


Hello, I’m doing okay. I’m sorry for replying so late but I tend to not go onto this site during the semester. I will definitely check out your stories. 


Sorry, I was hoping to get some more writing done before school started again for me but that did not happen and one of my courses in particular is killing my want to write with it’s writing two what would be in any other class a major term paper a week. (And no, it is not an English or literature class.) 
          I am currently trying to finish that class earlier than I’m supposed to so I can be back to concentrating on my art (my major) and my writing  (my hobby). I’m hoping to have something either a one shot or a chapter on one of my on going stories in October. Not sure what yet because gotta put school first. But I will update my status when I am able to start writing something to give you a hint of what I’m doing. 


@Royal-maiden take your time - we loyal ones will always be here


Hi, your take on Falling Into Your Smile sounds interesting. I really loved it! If you're not keen on continuing it, do you mind letting me finish it? I will not completely copy what you started though (of course not). Just take inspiration from it and add conversations as well.


Surprise a bonus chapter for the Ballad of Luwei. I realised as I was posting the next chapter I kept a chapter behind to make sure it flowed well and since it’s been so long since I posted a chapter let’s go ahead and post the other chapter as well. 


I promise I am actively working on my writing. Today alone I got the next chapter of Ballad of Luwei from 50% complete to 85-90% complete. The just needs a couple more paragraphs and for me to have a fresh mind while I go in to edit it. 
          I also wrote a quarter of a one-shot sequel for my one-shot Visions. That one-shot is about 55% written. 
          I’m also dabbling in a Miraculous Ladybug story which while I’ve written a chapter I need to figure out how long I want it to be. I’m thinking no more than 10 chapters. I realized I’m not really cut out for writing super huge multi chaptered stories. So Ballad of Luwei and Time Travelers Troubles will prolly be my last over 15 chapter stories. Which if you consider that I try to have around 2k words per chapter is still a good sized story that could be easily read in a few hours if you read like I do. 
          Anywho I hope to have the next chapter of the Ballad of Luwei out by sometime next week if not earlier.


@Zoyajrb I just dropped 2 chapters. Enjoy. 


@Royal-maiden I was waiting for ballad of luwei for so long time, thank you for the good news keep up good work will be waiting for next chapters eagerly. Thank you for letting us know that you are also working on Time Travelers Troubles. Will be waiting for new updates even if they are 15 chapters still your writing is unique and I have read other fanfics but yours are different and unique which I love to read that's why after years I still check on this site if there is an update good to know you continue writing. If you got time after completing all these works I hope you write a fanfic on you're so beautiful when you smile after the world championships I know there are lot of other writers who wrote lots of fanfic related to that story but if you write I think it will be different. No pressure take your time to think it's just a hard-core fan's request. Even if you don't I will still be you hard core fan waiting for your other writings and story. Thank you for your hard work.
            From loyal fan of Royal-maiden


Look at me finishing a short story that I have had half written for around a year. I'm gonna be branching out a little more in my genres of fan fiction plus re-writing and finishing old stories that I have not seen hide nor hair on in close to a decade. Be warned.  I am also still working on my current WIPs but taking my time with them. Not sure when the next chapters of those are coming out since I totally am winging it on those. Like a mad person.


@Royal-maiden ok miss writter just kindly update ballad of luwei rewrite 