
Ramada Kareem! 


@Royal7 Hi sis, I'd like to read your story and fully accredit your work. Can you reach out to me? <3 love your stories.


Sorry for posting here? Can u plz check out mine book? 
          I would appreciate it if you could take a look at it. 
          The name of the book is   Agnihotri's- The Sinner. 
          Plz do vote and comments too.
          I think you'd like this story: "Agnihotri's- The SINNER" by savage_alone07 on Wattpad


Hello guys! Sorry for bothering Excited to know how your mental health is, and your ability to understand other person's point of view and also whether imagination is productive?
          Click on the link below and give your mail id in the feedback line so that I can send your result to you. This is my academic research. No personal data will be collected and your response will be kept confidential and used for academic purpose.
          Thank you in advance !
          PS . Fiction readers are story book readers and Non fiction readers are people who reads biographies, spiritual books, Self help books etc books with factual information 


Can anyone tell me the name of the below story I forgot the name
          he is in love with his girlfriend but got married to her because of his parents then she understood his pain and got him married to his girlfriend, in her love he throws his parents and first wife out of his house. after a long time, he came to visit a fashion show in which he saw his first wife happily living with his parents and he wanted to visit his parents. When he visited their house he heard she was on call telling to organisers that she would not make the decisions of her life so they needed to talk with her parents(i.e. hero parents) for permission.